SATURDAY 18:30 - 21:30 HS
The With:IN experience has been lovingly and intentionally crafted to support BIPOC people with the energetic shifts + trauma we have collectively experienced in 2020. We’re done sitting idly by, now it is time to allow all systems of oppression to be burned to the ground - but first, we must start with ourselves. What parts of you must wither and die, to help usher in a new paradigm?
Together, with our ancestors, we will return to the seat of our souls, having sat with and in darkness. In community & through stillness, we give thanks for the ability to illuminate areas where we are still resisting, avoiding, or forcing.
As we transition to a new & higher vibration, we are being called to reflect, review, and release all that has accumulated in order to make space for the new earth. This (& every! ) season calls us to immerse ourselves in the intentional nourishment of our Black and brown bodies—physically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. We honor and thank our shadow as we celebrate and share our light.
Delve with:in your beautiful Black selves, connecting to your intuition & soul's yearnings, consciously merging with divine energies and your truest nature.
Reiki is an ancient form of Japanese energy healing, and gives us a deeper connection to life itself, by bringing the mind, body and spirit back into balance. Yin Yoga targets the deeper connective tissues and stimulates the free flow of life force energy (Qi) through the body.
Together, Reiki and Yin Yoga share a similar potent potentiality: the capacity to heal on a more subtle level and re-attune to your personal energetic field.
The Details:
All Black + IPOC bodies are welcome. Mats + props are provided. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing and arrive between 19:00 and 19:15 to settle in.
Energy Exchange: 33 – 44€* (sliding scale)
To confirm your space for this experience, please transfer 13€ via PayPal (selecting Friends & Family) to The remaining balance can be paid via cash or bank transfer after the event.
Location: HAR Studio Urbanstraße 116 Gewerbehof - Treppenhaus 5, EG, 10967 Berlin
There will be 3 scholarship spaces available. If you are NOT black/IPOC but would like to pay it forward by donating $ for someone else to attend, please holla atcha girl!