A women’s circle is a safe environment open for communication and exploration. It is a place to reconnect with ourselves, our essence, our depth, and the power of sisterhood. The circle invites growth, and sharing, for healing, empowerment, and deep transformation. Together, we will gather in a sacred space to celebrate and nourish our divine feminine energy in all its forms and through different practices: open conversations, journaling, rituals, meditation, breathwork, dance, intention settings, reflection, and many other specific exercises. For each circle, we will explore a different theme that resonates with the divine feminine within us and welcome a new sister to lead the circle, hand in hand with Lucie, the founder of this event.
What is the theme of September? Food is a sensitive topic, especially for us women. We love it. We hate it. We can develop an obsession with it. It is our best friend one day, our worst enemy the next. How strange that our natural nurturing needs have turned into guilt, insecurity and self-sabotage. In fact, ambivalence and struggle with food are a very common experiences that women have. Can we possibly help ourselves to heal our relationship with food? Well, yes, we believe we can. Bringing the shadow side of our behavior with food into the light is profoundly healing. By sharing and reflecting on it altogether, we begin to restore a sense of balance and understanding. “The world is on your plate!” Geneen Roth By analyzing your behavior with food, you will be able to relate to many other areas of your life.
Follow Lucie and Sara in this deep healing journey. The idea is to present to you different aspects that will help you understand and heal your behavior related to food: How are the stomach and brain interconnected? How does the quality of your food impact the quality of your life? How are emotions closely related to the way we eat? How to cultivate awareness? And many creative exercises such as breath work, releasing trapped emotions, drawing, and a guided eating meditation…
Who are we? Lucie initiated a women's circle after a beautiful and transformative experience in Mexico. She realized how important it is to be surrounded by a supportive feminine community and was called to bring this concept back to Berlin and particularly at HAR STUDIO, where she teaches yoga on a daily basis. Her dream is to provide a safe environment for the female community in Berlin and raise the sisterhood vibration. For each circle, she wishes to introduce you to a new sister with inspiring skills and to create a safe space for sharing, reflecting, and healing. As a certified yoga teacher (Hatha, vinyasa, yin & restorative yoga), she is passionate about holding spaces and sharing her energy, leading groups with powerful tools such as breathwork, meditation, healing sounds, intuitive movements, and spiritual guidance. She believes that body and mind are closely related, so expect a full activation of your entire vessel, both on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
Sara is a Naturopath and Psychological counselor in her private practice for Vibrational Medicine and Psychotherapy in Charlottenburg, Berlin. For almost 30 years she has been working with the energies of human beings, highlighting the importance of a healthy mindset and full embodiment, while she is holding space for growth and necessary processes. She has since her childhood been a clairvoyant observer of her environment, especially of the roles and expressions of the many women around her as well as the relationships between women and men. Inspired by the many life choices and outcomes she witnessed, she made it a priority not only for her own life to become the woman and mother she wanted to be, but also to inspire others to move away from outside dictation and into the very personal intuition. She has experienced in her practice how strong the BodyMind connection is and what happens with those lives lived when unresolved issues are not addressed and cleared. Her Motto is: “When the energies of Feminine and Masculine qualities are moving towards peace within, Love unfolds in all directions.”
This event is a woman-focused event that intends an inclusive definition of women. We are welcoming and respectful of women, including trans women and those who are nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and anyone who identifies as a woman in a way that is significant to them.
ENERGY EXCHANGE: 45€ SPACE LIMITED TO TO THIS EXPERIENCE If you are a student or can’t afford this amount please send an email to: lucieandre.yoga@gmail.com
To reserve your spot please contact us here. Please write in your email your full name and telephone number. We will redirect you to the payment process.