When you open up to your voice and allow the sound to flow in and throughout your body, you will experience a sense of deep relaxation and connection with yourself.
During this guided sound meditation we will connect with our body and especially with our own voice as a healing tool.
This technique is inspired by the Somatic Voice Experience and the Shamanic singing traditions.
No prior experience is needed, nor it is about whether you are a trained singer or not.
It’s an encounter with the unique instrument that is your voice.
We will also explore more concrete forms of singing, such as Icaros.
About Sophia:
I am passionate about playing around and exploring the voice and finding the magic simplicity behind it.
My background is the traditional Amazonian Healing Music as well as the Somatic Voice Experience, which I combine in this practice.
What fascinates me about using our own voice, is the shyness that is involved in opening up and unfolding the voice and feeling strangely naked and insecure at first, followed by the incredible empowerment we feel once we surrender to the fear and start trusting our own voice intuitively.