SATURDAY 16:00-17:30 Hs
“Listen to everything all the time and remind yourself when you are not listening”
The practice of deep listening explores the difference between hearing and listening.
The ear hears, the brain listens, the body senses vibrations.
Listening is a life time practice that depends on accumulated experience with sound.
Listening is a mysterious process that is not the same for everyone.
We will begin with observing our own breath cycles, unmasking the inner and external
taking in order to recognise the sounds of our bodies and the ones in our environment.
A deep meditation on listening will follow with Daniela playing an electronic live set.
This workshop is inspired by Pauline Oliveros’s practice and her sonic meditations.
About Daniela ...
I am an electronic music producer, performance artist and I am currently undertaking the
wonderful adventure of studying sound healing.
I believe in the power of sonic energy and the inexplicable communication that occurs
through the vibration of sounds and our energetic and physical bodies.
PRICE: 15€