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17.09 BODY ORACLE by Zasha Patek

  • HAR STUDIO 116 Urbanstraße Berlin, Berlin, 10967 Deutschland (map)

Whom else can we ask for advice in times of doubt, overwhelming, indecision, overload, disconnection and confusion?
Who would listen carefully and speak the ultimate truth?
Whom else to consult to be really sure, that's what you need and what's good for you...if not your own body.
Your very personal source of wisdom. 

Remembering how to read the mysterious language of our bodies enables us to express our natural boundaries with much greater ease. 
We are able to speak our truth without attacking one another. 
Communicate more softly and without ambiguity. 
Connect more deeper with everyone and everything around us. 
Which in the end helps us to grow trust. 
This is the essence of love and genuine connection of all kinds
As above, so below.
What you learn to embrace inside yourself will then be reflected back in your relationship with the outside world. 
This process has the potential to transform and heal triggers. 
To finally lead a happier and freer life, which is something we all strive for.

Let’s take the path together, going inwards and listening to what our bodies have to tell us on the subject of trust. 
Trust in yourself. 
Trust in the people around you. 
This process allows us to see with more clarity in this field. 
These answers you find in your body might be surprisingly different from what your mind thinks it knows.

Do you challenge yourself too much or too little?
When is enough?
How aware are you of your boundaries? 
Where can they grow stronger?
Where might they be too tight to allow you to expand, take up more space, or create new connections?

I invite you to discover playfully, with the curiosity of a child’s mind. 
To learn more about what trust means to you, from the inside. 
Allow your body to become your personal guide and show you its feelings on this subject and so much more. 
Let it be your mysterious oracle and show you its hidden secrets.