SUNDAY 12:00 -15:00 Hs
Back to the heart Kundalini Yoga & Sound Meditation
Where do you feel held and you can open?
In a clear space where all of you is welcome, your joy, your tears, your rythm, your beat, your passion, your sparkle, this warmth from the center of your chest that makes you do crazy things at times, you know?
Probably getting in touch with that juicy spot inside of us is exactly what we need right now in this times of uncertainty, change, transformation & chaos!
How do you breathe in this chaos?
Can you dance into that chaos?
And continue enjoying life?
Still being conscious, carefull to yourself & others but in touch with what moves you, what touches you, feeling space inside even when there are limitations in the outside.
So we invite you to dive into your heart.
A journey guided by Oliver Ostroga, experienced Kundalini Yoga teacher, lived & studied in L.A more than 10 years ago.
Sofia Uguccioni was her student 8 years ago, did her teacher training in Berlin, guides sound meditations since 7 years with Gong, Water Harp, Ocean drum & other instruments.
So as there are no clubs, what to do on a Sunday? Come and pray with your body, your voice, your breath, not to any church or god outside of you but to honor the divinity within you that lives inside of your heart space.
12.00 Arriving
12.15 Opening Heart Circle
12.30 Kundalini Yoga Kriya
13.30 Sound Meditation
14.10 Heart Meditation
14.30 Sharing
Easy going time together
15.00 Closing the Portal
Energy exchange in scaling price depending of your financial capacities right now between 25/35 euros.
Book your spot via :
We look forward coming together, dancing, breathing, sweating, meditating, relaxing, being in a beautiful space that activates creativity ( Har is creative sound ), sharing a huge Cacao heart with you
Till then blessed time,
Oliver & Sofia