Are you ready to resonate with your true essence and experience a feeling of e x p a n s i o n within and all around you?
Integrating the power of conscious, connected, circular breathwork with oceanic waves of sound, this unique soundbreathing experience by Oliver and Jorhito invites you to explore the abundance of your soul. As you transform your own vibration and brainwaves within, the sounds and frequencies from the without guide you into a higher state of meditation. With Oliver’s guidance, the breathwork lets you create space for you to meet your authentic self. Breathing in harmony with Jorhito’s sounds, you open the mirror of your soul to align with your synchronicity. With each note, chord and rhythm, you connect on a deeper level with your breath and life force - releasing the layers and patterns that hold you back from being truly you. Relax into a deep awareness of your breath, senses and essence and you truly become your own heightened state of essence, senses and breath.