Cosmic soundwaves resonate and vibrate through the body, cracking open channels, pathways, blockages. conscious breath opens up and e x p a n d s that which is stuck within. emotions are awakened, relived and relieved, experienced and released with compassion, softness, and new strength. The nexus of sound and breath forging new frequencies for connecting to yourself and your essence, your soul.
Join Jorhito and Oliver as they invite you to explore the abundance, peace and integrity of your soul, your truth, your original feeling. Plunge into the oceans of sound and feel into the presence of the life giving force of your breath. Release. Breath transforms your being. Sound transports your being. The two culminate in a higher state of meditation and consciousness, a crystal clear mirror to your soul and true nature. Relax into a state of spaciousness and awareness of your ultimate you-ness.
breathe. welcome. breathe. be. breathe. awake. breathe. live.